
Columbus 44 Radio Before Restoration.

This Columbus model 44 dial shape is slightly different to most radios.  It has 6 valves plus a magic eye.  There are 3 bands, broadcast plus 2 shortwave. Above the dial can be seen where the 6 1/2 X 10 1/2 inch Columbus electromag speaker resides. Unusual size and shape speaker.


CoLumbus 45 Radio Before Restoration.

Model 45 is a 5 valve broadcast with a 6 inch Permag speaker.  It is from about 1954.


Columbus 66A and 66R  Radios Before Restoration..

These two are models 66A on top and 66R on the bottom. Both are 6 valve dual wave chassis, but with quite different valves. Both have 8 inch speakers, but the A, on top, has a Columbus permanent magnet speaker, whereas the R has a Columbus electromag!  From about 1941.

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